230. Can Finances Really Be Inspirational? - with Kathy Svetina

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In this episode I’m talking with Kathy Svetina about a critical area of leading our lives and businesses – finance. So before you glaze over and tune out, take a listen, as what Kathy has to say might just be what you (and your business) needed to hear today.
Kathy Svetina is the founder of NewCastle Finance, a company offering Fractional CFO services to women-owned small businesses. For nearly 14 years, she did senior-level financial planning and analysis for Fortune 500 companies. She saw first-hand how big companies use financial information to drive their companies forward.
She started NewCastle Finance because she wanted to offer that same powerful financial insight to women-owned businesses. Now, she helps business owners as a "financial puzzle solver" to get clear on their numbers and their financial strategy so they feel confident to make good decisions that will result in a thriving business.
Website: newcastlefinance.us | LinkedIn
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