229. High Frequency Relationships & A New World Order – with Monica Parikh

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If you love an intelligent, high-conscious conversation, then you’ll adore this episode. This is actually the second time I’ve had Monica on the show. It’s a continuation of the fascinating conversation we started in Episode 205 (which I highly recommend you go listen to as well).
I originally wanted to chat with Monica about her successful work in disrupting the dating industry, but it kinda went all over the place – in a very good way! We talk about power marriages, purpose driven work, mental health and even the education system.
Monica Parikh is a teacher, writer, lawyer and public speaker. Through her business, School of Love NYC, she teaches a global audience about love, psychology and higher consciousness. Using psychology, spirituality, non-violent communication and quantum physics, her curriculum gives clients practical skills in emotional intelligence to build healthy relationships.
School of Love NYC website
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