225. The Ultimate Recovering Workaholic - with Jennifer Chapman

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Jennifer Chapman used to thrive in challenging, ‘go-getter’ environments proving time and time again she was invincible. Until the time she realised she wasn’t. It was then she changed professional course and now works as a leadership coach, guiding the next generation of leaders to align with their innate strengths and their authentic selves.
Jennifer used to be a workaholic, known as the go-to person for getting things done and managing the most difficult clients at a Fortune 500 consulting firm. Eventually, Jennifer’s mental and physical health began to suffer, so she decided to create a new professional and personal life that aligned with what she valued most. She created the job she wants and a new independent confidence, and she continues to bring her authentic self into all of her work. She is more successful—in terms of happiness, financial security, and her ability to help others—than she has ever been.
Today, Jennifer is an expert leadership coach, working with STEM managers and leaders who want to increase productivity and performance by strengthening their confidence and people skills.
Website: ambitionleadership.com | Facebook | LinkedIn
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