216. A Short Story About Imposter Syndrome

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Another short story:
"It was summer in England. You know those rare days that are pure and utter magic. I’d driven down from London to the country and was in a great mood.
We met in the ‘cottage’ - a cute thatched roof building that housed the company meeting room... a few squishy sofas around a coffee table. My new friends and owners of an international luxury company spilled their branding challenges and frustrations.
‘’But at the heart of it, I know I’m struggling with imposter syndrome. I ran a huge team when I worked in corporate, but here in my own business I feel incapable’.
Wow! I was floored.
This magnificent woman sitting in front of me shared her deepest challenge. She’d been a key player in well known global brands, and yet a few years into her own brand she heard that voice of ‘who do you think you are’.
Listen to hear the rest of this story...
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