210. Impacting The Next Generation - with Brandon Lucero

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This conversation was an absolute treat. Brandon Lucero’s official tagline says he helps: “entrepreneurs create powerful messaging & content that helps sell millions while impacting millions”. But his deeper mission is to transform the business space – to make us really think about what we are doing – not just do what the gurus have taught us. And THIS is exactly what I believe too. It’s time for a new generation of entrepreneur, and Brandon is leading the way. Plus he’s just a really great guy – a dad, a husband and a leader.
Brandon is the founder of the Video 4x effect methodology, which fixes and elevates content inside of online brands and companies.
He is responsible for millions of views and products sold online by focusing your content and messaging on changing beliefs, shifting perspective and the psychology of engagement, selling, and behaviour.
You’ll love this enlightening and incredibly inspiring chat.
Website: brandonlucero.com
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