187. Unlocking Genius Through The Vagus Nerve – with Melanie Weller


What does the vagus nerve, the stars, galaxies and storytelling have to do with our highest potential? In this episode I’m chatting with Melanie Weller who has a unique and fascinating expertise in the relationship of all these seemingly unrelated things – revealing the secrets they hold to understanding how the human body and mind operates.  

Melanie is the world’s leading expert in opening the door to health, performance, and innovation through the vagus nerve, the bridge between our narratives and our physical experience. A storyteller for the human body, Melanie has an extensive background in stress management, chronic conditions, and people who haven’t yet found success. She now focuses on strengthening the leading edge in businesses, speakers, entertainers, athletes, artists, and medical professionals.

melanieweller.com  | Facebook | Instagram

Go to Melanie's website where you can download a free vagus nerve compression course. 

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