EP144 | Gravitas - do you have it? With Dr Rebecca Newton

You don't get better than this! This episode is a lively chat with Dr Rebecca Newton - we cover authenticity in leadership and business and the hurdles that both corporates and entrepreneurs face today.
Dr. Rebecca Newton is a Psychologist, Fellow at the London School of Economics teaching management practice, and was a Visiting Fellow at Harvard University.
She is the Founder and CEO of coaching and leadership development consultancy, CoachAdviser, and has spent 20 years researching, teaching and advising organisations globally on leadership and change. Rebecca is a regular contributor to the Harvard Business Review, Forbes and is the author of Authentic Gravitas: Who Stands Out and Why.
New York Times bestselling author SETH GODIN says of her book:
“Gravitas must be caused by an agent acting constantly according to certain laws, and Rebecca Newton has found those laws. It doesn't take confidence to matter, but it does take courage.”
“Gravitas must be caused by an agent acting constantly according to certain laws, and Rebecca Newton has found those laws. It doesn't take confidence to matter, but it does take courage.”
Rebecca Newton | CoachAdviser
Instagram: dr.rebeccanewton
Twitter: @DrRebeccaNewton
LinkedIn: dr-rebecca-newton
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