EP104 | Aligning Inner & Outer Wealth - with Karen Revell

What is your energy around money? How is the world shifting right now with regards to finance? This is a fascinating chat about money, finance, wealth and talent... with wealth expert Karen Revell.
Karen is a conscious money and business coach - helping soul-led entrepreneurs to overcome their money blocks and unlock their true wealth so they can create meaningful businesses based on their gifts, their genius and their lifestyle goals.
With a 25 year year career in finance and achieving her own financial independence, Karen knows a think or two about wealth and how it impacts everything we do. Karen’s unique business approach starts with aligning your inner and outer wealth so that you can turn your gifts into gold.
We chat about:
- aligning inner and outer wealth
- what is 'true' wealth
- the universal shift and rhythms of nature and how this relates to finance
- the talent and wealth energies and how it's time for a feminine energy
- the four pillars of wealth
To contact Karen:
Website: karenrevell.com
Facebook: facebook.com/KarenRevellCoaching
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/karenrevell
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